Wir solve physical and technical tasks and especially tasks in the area of nuclear physics.
physical technical:
– CFD-Optimizations in coal fired power plants Read more…
– CFD-Calculations for heat removal
– Shielding
– athmospheric dispersion
– irradiation and decay
– activation
– criticality

We apply for our calculations amongst others the following programs and program systems:
– ANSYS Fluent
For the model generation, the meshing, the postprocessing and the display of the results we use amongst others:
– Pre- und postprocessor of the program systems
– SpaceClaim
– Hypermesh
– Tecplot

For the calculations we use in most of the cases powerful workstations or server machines.
If there is a need of higher processing power, we rent computing power at a cluster.

Document preparation
We document our calculations comprehensively. This includes especially the following points:
– Initial situation
– Model definition and setup with simplifications
– Boundary conditions
– Reference case
– Comparison with measurements
– Variation cases
– Comparison of the calculation cases
– Proposal of a design or of modifications

Schedule a visit
Call or email if we may contibute to a project or check out our work.
Schedule a visit
Call or email if we may contibute to a project or check out our work.